THE NATIONAL NOTEBOOK: Wednesday, 07/26/23
** Our night started on a red-eye from Los Angeles to Chicago.
** Did we get any sleep on the plane? Nope. Just an hour or so.
** Flew United. Nice terminal on both ends.
** Saw an awesome dinosaur skeleton on the Chicago side.
** We landed at 6am local time; Groggy.
** Got a nice breakfast the the hotel restaurant.
** Secured our tickets at The National and caught up with our friends at GTS and Fanatics Live.
** Preview night at The National seemed really busy.
** The National added a whole new section with a ton of booths!
** Who said the hobby was dead? Haha
** Nick Jaspy picking up some nice cards for the shop and/or future hit packs.
** I sorta walked through the day in a bit of a daze.
** Had a heavy Italian dinner with some wine.
** Another couple glasses of wine at the hotel bar.
** And just un-winding a bit before going to bed.
We'll be breaking a couple cases of Topps Chrome Breakers Delight at the PWCC booth at the National starting at 1pm Chicago time!
At the time of this post, spots are still available!
Come say hi! Or find me and/or Nick around the floor!